Thursday, February 4, 2010

Once a month Mother Nature has gifted all women with a lovely gift. This gift consists of bloating, cramps, back pain, headaches, bleeding. Isn't Mother Nature great? Occasionally with this gift you are given cramps that make you want to curl up into a fetal position and cry for your mommy. This was one such month for me. My husband, being the kind soul he is, picked up a package of the Thermacare heat pack things for me. Lasts longer than my heat up rice pack and I was stoked. So, I read the box carefully before I applied the first one. It states that it may cause burns, that those over 55 are more susceptible, to remove at the first sign of discomfort, to not wear a waistband that pushes the heat pack tightly against the skin. So, I scrambled through my undie drawer and found a pair of my no line panties for when I used to wear skirts. They have a higher waist so there would be no waistband issues. I traded my pj shirt and bottoms for a nightshirt so there would be no waistband issues there. I popped that bad boy in and prepared for cramp relief. About three hours later I was cramp free and decided it was enough and pulled it out. What to my surprise happened? Skin came with it. That's right, skin. In three hours, without me being able to feel it happening, I had burned quarter size circles onto my lower stomach. Not only had I burned but I had blistered and the act of pulling the Thermacare off had pulled the skin of the blister off. So, now I had raw quarter size painful areas on my stomach. Pain, pain, pain. It still hurts today and probably will hurt for a few more days.

Lesson learned with this? Don't ever use Thermacare heat wraps again and don't ever try to get out of Mother Natures little gift!

1 comment:

  1. OMFG! (I'll say it again.) Yeah, I think I'll stick with Midol and bitching. Jesus in heaven, baby. Ow.
