Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Squeal like a Ferret

I spent all night last night breaking up ferret fights. Smokes is a squealer, much like LJ but not as high pitched and whiny. Today, every time she started to lose a fight she'd run to me for me to pick her up. Hmmm.. Sounds like LJ too. I think I've rescued her ass from more than one set of drunk hands. In fact, she seems to have a lot in common with LJ. She's not too bright, she did try and eat Styrofoam to get to the steak inside. She's constantly trying to pick on people bigger than her and then runs to me for help. She squeals her displeasure and throws fits loud enough to wake up the whole house.

Fuck, I adopted the ferret version of LJ! Kill me now!


  1. YES! Now suffer!!!! Suffeeeeeeeeeeeeer. Forever. I take it this is a rebuttal to Old Hairy Pussy? lol

  2. Okay ,so we are clear .
    Are we talking about LJ , or the ferret ?

  3. She doesn't know what she's yakkin on and on about. As usual. Don't listen to her, man. She's fucked up crazzzzzzzy. I just nod my head at her.

  4. We know the real truth ,and Cherry ain't the one fucked in the head .

  5. I'll fuck her in the head. You just wait. Then you will no longer be able to say just that.
