Monday, March 1, 2010

Time Warner

So, cable company came out after we harassed them for two months and replaced our overheating box. The DVD remote disappeared when the guy was here and we figured he accidentally picked it up with his tools.

Then our picture got shitty and they had to come out again and the guy called that morning and told us we'd just have to deal with it because they were working in the area and he wasn't coming out.

So, then, Mr Gore calls back and tells them that's unacceptable. We shouldn't have to deal with it and working in the area wasn't the answer since the kids room picture was fine.

So, they scheduled someone to come out the next day. They came out first guy hadn't hooked it up right.

So, Mr Gore in the mean time, had been tossed up the customer service ladder.

He gets a supervisor call and guy apologizes for the service and the tech. Mr Gore tells him about how we think dude tossed the remote in his tool bag by accident.

Dude says he's going to credit us with a free 30 days because all the trouble.

We end up not getting the credit. Mr Gore calls back yesterday and they say they have no record of it.

They'll give us ten days instead because that was the length of time it took to get the second guy out to fix the first guys fuck up.

Service guy calls this morning, yelling at Mr Gore about how he didn't steal his DVD remote and how dare he call and tell his boss he did.

Fuckin called my house yelling. My house!

So, not only did it take two months get get an overheating box replaced. Canceled calls. Missing credits. They release my personal information to the guy I complained about and he called to yell at us!


  1. Next time, call Mr Ratt. He lives for these types of situations. Customer service is severely lacking these days, no one gives a shit. They just want your money. Period. Assholes.

    When we got our Direct TV satellite hooked up, they hooked it up and the equipment was bad. We called and they came out to replace it. Know what they said? It's a good thing this happened now, because after 90 days, if something goes wrong, you have to pay them to come fix shit. Even if it's their fucking fault.

    No wonder people get their fire arms and go ballistic.

  2. I just had to come back here and say this: You said 'overheating box', hehehe.

  3. You've got to love cable .
    My internet always seems to go out at 3am in the morning for 30 minutes every Monday.
